The Benefit of Our God Relationship, Part 2 (TMF:2260)

Peace to Live By: The Benefit of Our God Relationship, Part 2 (TMF:2260) - Daniel Litton
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       Even relationships in and of themselves are not guaranteed upon transcendence. To put too much stock in other people would be foolish. Sure, we can have good relationships, but like with anything, we should not value them too much. The relationship with God is the only relationship which is constant and unchanging no matter where we are, here on the earth or in the third realm. Therefore, if our existence has its foundation in anything else other than God, then within that existence we cannot truly experience peace. Why is that? Well, it’s because that inside our minds there is always going to be the background thought floating around that perhaps I could lose what I have. Something could, indeed, come along and take away my favorite person, or my prized possession. The person could also change over time. Therefore, no matter how hard I try, if I have an over-evaluation placed on someone or something, there is always the cause for disappointment in the end.

The Benefit of Our God Relationship, Part 1 (TMF:2259)

Peace to Live By: The Benefit of Our God Relationship, Part 1 (TMF:2259) - Daniel Litton
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       When we are in relationship with God, we realize that it is he that really, ultimately matters. Everything else becomes secondary. That includes our earthly relationships and all of our possessions. The greatness of God is enough for us. Really, in the final analysis, that’s why we were created in the first place, to be in fellowship with God. When we spend time with God, we are fulfilling the purpose for our existence, for the reason we reside here on the earth. It’s not necessarily that we were placed on this earth to do anything in particular. It’s not so we are people on mission. Again, mission like all other things, is secondary. Some people base their existence on what they have obtained in this world. They will show us their nice house, their car, show off their wife or husband, show us pictures of their kids... but what does all of this really amount to? These are things which were gained by living in this world, and they are all things that, without exception, will be given up someday in the future.

The Kennedy Method of Preparation, Part 2 (TMF:2258)

Peace to Live By: The Kennedy Method of Preparation, Part 2 (TMF:2258) - Daniel Litton
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       I think we often have found ourselves working up to the last minute before a big event, when instead we should have been resting and refreshing our minds. I mean, this is really one reason why I do morning devotionals. They set my mind in the right place for the day ahead. A lot of famous self-help teachers will tell you the same thing—that the world’s most successful people spend time in mediation at the beginning of the day. But it’s not just at the beginning of the day, but it’s also before ‘big’ events that we should do this. So, next time you have that speech to give at church, or that presentation to give at the board meeting, or that big ‘date,’ instead of being all nervous and rolling over it in your mind right up to the moment, spend some time resting and relaxing. Go to the pool if in season, or go grab a coffee at your favorite coffee shop if out of season. The point is, do something relaxing in the time preceding, and I believe you will find that your thoughts will be better, which will lead to better performance. It’s that strong desire to perform well, that over-eagerness, which is actually the problem. That’s what ices us and prevents us from getting the result we really want.

The Kennedy Method of Preparation, Part 1 (TMF:2257)

Peace to Live By: The Kennedy Method of Preparation, Part 1 (TMF:2257) - Daniel Litton
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       Those who know me best, know I have spent a lot of time in the history books with John F. Kennedy. Indeed, he is one of my favorite historical figures in American history. He was quite a smart guy, and had certain ways about dealing with different things in life that made him unique. One of these ways I will title ‘The Kennedy Method of Preparation.’ Let us define what that is. Well, simply put, anytime Kennedy had something big come up in this life, a big event, he typically would spend the time before it resting and relaxing. It’s as simple as that. There is a lot we can learn from this, however. I think we often have found ourselves working up to the last minute before a big event, when instead we should have been resting and refreshing our minds. I mean, this is really one reason why I do morning devotionals. They set my mind in the right place for the day ahead. A lot of famous self-help teachers will tell you the same thing—that the world’s most successful people spend time in mediation at the beginning of the day. But it’s not just at the beginning of the day, but it’s also before ‘big’ events that we should do this.

Accepting that Things Always Change, Part 2 (TMF:2256)

Peace to Live By: Accepting that Things Always Change, Part 2 (TMF:2256) - Daniel Litton
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       The problem for our minds comes when we decide to resist the change, or have a mindset of resistance in general toward change. This is something that has to be learned—the ability to accept change. It’s just that a lot of people haven’t cultivated this ability. If we haven’t, when change comes there is going to be major shock, followed by complaining, followed perhaps even by a sense of depression. If we know change is always possible, then the announcement of it will bring at most just a minor sadness that passes after a day or two. It’s all in how our minds are geared. Why resist something that’s going to happen anyway? Why get all upset over change when this world guarantees us that change is going to occur? Upset occurs in a mind that is not surrendered. Upset is present when desires within the mind are too strong. The only thing, really person, in our lives who doesn’t change is God. He is always there and always constant. Everything else can go. New things can come. People are here one day, and gone the next. Our routine is subject to change.