Responsibility for What We Believe, Part 2 (TMF:2310)

Peace to Live By: Responsibility for What We Believe, Part 2 (TMF:2310) - Daniel Litton
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       If a person has inherited certain beliefs, that person needs to decide whether to keep them, to make them their own, or to let them go, to get rid of them. It is when responsibility isn’t taken that happiness is reduced. Really, there can’t be much happiness because what you believe isn’t what you really believe. I mean, you are saying you believe this or that ‘just because,’ or because you are afraid to give up those beliefs. God himself cannot even work with a person who isn’t honest with themselves. I mean, everyone who comes to God has to exhibit that certain honesty, right? Certainly. When a person comes to God, they acknowledge how they are wrong and how God is right. That’s why they are ‘coming to God’ because they weren’t with God ‘previously.’ God cannot make a person come into relationship with him, and nor would he want to. That would be artificial, it wouldn’t be real. So, if you yourself don’t want to be artificial, it’s time you start being honest with yourself about what you really believe.

Responsibility for What We Believe, Part 1 (TMF:2309)

Peace to Live By: Responsibility for What We Believe, Part 1 (TMF:2309) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       We were all raised with certain values, whether those be spiritual or lacking in that department. I think a lot of people go through life without ever taking ownership of what they believe. There are certain people that just believe what they believe because that’s what they were taught as a child. If a person was raised in a strict church setting, for instance, those beliefs can become so ingrained that the person just naturally accepts them. Or perhaps, there is great fear of breaking away from them. Regardless, a person needs to be able to say, “I believe what I believe because I really believe it.” Their beliefs need to be their own, and not just someone else’s beliefs that they are carrying on. If a person has inherited certain beliefs, that person needs to decide whether to keep them, to make them their own, or to let them go, to get rid of them. It is when responsibility isn’t taken that happiness is reduced. Really, there can’t be much happiness because what you believe isn’t what you really believe. I mean, you are saying you believe this or that ‘just because,’ or because you are afraid to give up those beliefs.

Giving vs. Getting, Part 3 (TMF:2308)

Peace to Live By: Giving vs. Getting, Part 3 (TMF:2308) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       This also means that you may have to work even harder than you currently are, take a higher paid position at work, or even work a couple jobs to pay for all the possessions that you are pursuing. This all takes more time. It takes more time away, again, from our self-development, and it takes time even away from family and friends. Nah, we are too busy trying to earn more money to get things that we don’t even need. So, we can gain all these ‘things’ that we want, but then what happens at the end of our lives? We gained the whole world, right, but what did we lose? We lost the goodness of life, giving into other’s lives because we were too selfish. We were too busy pursing things that are now going to stay behind on the earth while our spirit transcends to the third-level of existence. And when the Creator calls our name, when it becomes time for us to get new things for what we contributed on the earth, it is only going to take him a short time. There isn’t going to be much of a list, not much to say. He will whip through our list really fast because all that we strove for we left behind on the earth, and we weren’t able to bring it up here.

Giving vs. Getting, Part 2 (TMF:2307)

Peace to Live By: Giving vs. Getting, Part 2 (TMF:2307) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       It’s one thing to spend too much of our time pursing the next possession, but it’s quite another thing to not only be doing that be then to be in debt at the same time. Debt enslaves. It takes away a person’s peace. It’s very difficult to enjoy any peace of mind when you know that you owe money, or even that you have creditors after you. The future becomes uncertain because your always wondering when the car will be repossessed, or the house will be foreclosed on. It’s also true that when we are focused on getting more, that we can lose out on becoming a better person. I mean, think about it. Instead of focusing on how we can improve ourselves, improve our characters, we are focusing on what we are getting next. This also means that you may have to work even harder than you currently are, take a higher paid position at work, or even work a couple jobs to pay for all the possessions that you are pursuing. This all takes more time. It takes more time away, again, from our self-development, and it takes time even away from family and friends. Nah, we are too busy trying to earn more money to get things that we don’t even need.

Giving vs. Getting, Part 1 (TMF:2306)

Peace to Live By: Giving vs. Getting, Part 1 (TMF:2306) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       Most people spend their lives going after things that are trivial at life’s conclusion. It becomes so obvious when you stop and think about it. Pursing possessions may seem fun, and there it is an element certainly that is fun about it, or why would anyone do it? Nonetheless, in pursing possessions we can miss some of the best things in life. We can miss out on enjoying what we currently have because he have the next ‘thing’ in focus. We only enjoyed our ‘new thing’ for a moment, and now we are already pursing another ‘new thing.’ Getting can get in the way of even enjoying the people who are around us. What makes this even worse is that most people will spend money they don’t even have to obtain those possessions that they want or that they think they need. This is double the trouble. It’s one thing to spend too much of our time pursing the next possession, but it’s quite another thing to not only be doing that be then to be in debt at the same time. Debt enslaves. It takes away a person’s peace. It’s very difficult to enjoy any peace of mind when you know that you owe money, or even that you have creditors after you.