Lowering the Bar of Accomplishment (TMF:2242)

Peace to Live By: Lowering the Bar of Accomplishment (TMF:2242) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       When we have our bar set too high, we just make our lives miserable. We add a lot of unnecessary struggle to them. We all have different levels of accomplishment as pertains to what we feel is a finished product. Those who struggle with perfectionism are really going to have a difficult time because they like everything to be as perfect as possible. They want every ‘i’ dotted; ’t’ crossed. No room for even the slightest hint of a mistake. Any sign of a mistake means the whole is ruined for the perfectionist. But by allowing myself to deliver a sermon without going through multiple drafts, I am able to get much more accomplished with time. Sure, there may be a few spelling and grammar errors that get posted with my sermon. That’s worth it because making it near perfect would mean less sermons would get written, or less resting time for me so I am in a place where I can write better sermons! The truth is, there is usually going to be at least one error, no matter how hard you try. So, why not two, three, or four spelling or grammar errors. What’s the difference? It’s not worth an extra hour of work to get rid of those. And most people aren’t even going to notice them.