Is It Time for a Reboot? Part 3 (TMF:2252)

Peace to Live By: Is It Time for a Reboot? Part 3 (TMF:2252) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       That’s okay, though. That can happen. If it does, we can move on to find people that more closely align with what we now are. This isn’t sin, it isn’t wrong; it’s just reality. God wants us to grow. He wants us to increase our faith. At the beginning of our Christian lives, we may not have been that full of faith. Jesus’ disciples sure weren’t in the beginning days. As they grew, though, so did their faith. And it’s the same with us. As our faith increases, our negativity and doubting decreases. This is good for us, but not everyone grows at the same rate. Just as a child outgrows his or her shoes after a while, if we are actively growing, we outgrow ours. Simply put, we may just find that we’re no longer compatible with the church we’ve been involved with, or even the place where we currently work. It may be time for a change. And while the change may not be necessarily comfortable, it will lead to comfort in the future.