Getting to the Root of the Problem, Part 1 (TMF:2323)

Peace to Live By: Getting to the Root of the Problem, Part 1 (TMF:2323) - Daniel Litton
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       What we need to understand, and this is fundamental for any level of happiness to be obtained, is that, in essence, there is a root to every problem. People who aren’t surrendered are run by various insecurities. These can be anger, or pride (self-righteousness), or even fear. People who set high standards for others and even themselves are going to get angry when those standards aren’t being met. Likewise, people who want others to always do a 100% job and demand perfection from themselves are full of pride. Still yet, the person who has a problem with fear is going to see potential problems everywhere, whether these be threats or whether they have too strong of an attachment to whatever. We have to remember that at the end of the day that “All that matters is God.” When we keep God first, and everything else as optional, then we really don’t have to be bothered or concerned about anything. We give everything to God, and we live our lives in true happiness knowing we are in relationship with him.