Marriage Problem #3: Overly Busy Schedules, Part 1 (TMF:943)

Peace to Live By: Marriage Problem #3: Overly Busy Schedules, Part 1 (TMF:943) - Daniel Litton
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       Now, number three in our look at marriage problems: Having overly busy schedules. “We urge you, brothers… to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you” (1 Thessalonians 4:10, 11, ESV). One thing that can really mess up a marriage, and family life for that matter, is an overly busy schedule. Now, this may be present in one of the individuals, or both individuals in the marriage. Sometimes the problem is with the career or workplace of the individual, and at times it is a problem of the children having too many extracurricular actives that take up too much time. Whatever the case, we learn from the verse I just read that God wants us to live quiet lives, and we cannot live quiet lives if we are constantly running around from one event to the next one. Truly, each person in a marriage can decide how to spend their time. It is your responsibility. If the job is asking for too much, then maybe it’s time for a new job. If the children are involved in too much at school, then it’s time for you to step in and correct that.