God Wants Everyone to Become Christians (TMF:933)

Peace to Live By: God Wants Everyone to Become Christians (TMF:933) - Daniel Litton
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       We, as Christians, have become born-again. This is true for anyone who has believed in Jesus in the past or who wants to believe in him today. Perhaps you’ve been listening to all of this I have been saying today but you’re not a Christian. Maybe you’re not a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps you’re part of another religion. Well, I am here today to tell you that God wants you to become a Christian. He wants you to be his, and he wants to lead you down a path of true life, to living life to its fullest extent. If that is what you would like today, then I have good news for you. God not only guarantees a relationship with him through Jesus Christ, but he will also freely forgive all your offenses against him through faith in Christ’s death on the cross for your sins. You see, Jesus died on the cross for your sins and my sins, in our place, so we won’t have to face the penalty for our sins. But we have to believe in Jesus, and give our lives over to him. He rose from the death triumphantly, and he defeated sin once and for all.