Marriage Problem #3: Overly Busy Schedules, Part 2 (TMF:944)

Peace to Live By: Marriage Problem #3: Overly Busy Schedules, Part 2 (TMF:944) - Daniel Litton
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       Truly, each person in a marriage can decide how to spend their time. It is your responsibility. If the job is asking for too much, then maybe it’s time for a new job. If the children are involved in too much at school, then it’s time for you to step in and correct that. Remember, you should not follow the world’s model for how many activities you participate in—for the parents, outside of work, and for the children, outside of school. It may be true that most other families do many activities, and they are running from one place to the next constantly. But your family doesn’t have to be like that. Don’t allow the pressures of seeing what other families do, or of what other children do at school, be the guide for your family. You must take control of your own lives and live in a way that provides a peaceful lifestyle. Hurriedness is overrated, and definitely takes away peace in people’s lives. Fathers should have the ultimate say in what their children participate in, and not children telling the fathers what they are going to do at school. I understand that most families don’t operate this way, but I also understand that most are way too busy.