Violating Our Own Rules, Part 2 (TMF:2334)

Peace to Live By: Violating Our Own Rules, Part 2 (TMF:2334) - Daniel Litton
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       I make sure I miss a Bible study every once in a while. I don’t want to just go every time because I feel I have to. This can also be a good way to caught up on stuff if we have fallen behind. If it is hanging out with friends, that too I have skipped in order to just spend some time with myself, doing what I just want to do. We can’t please everyone all the time, and sometimes we need to just do what we want to do. So, whatever your rules or practices are, but sure that you do not become enslaved to them. Watch those practices because while we do a lot of good things, there is nothing that says we always have to do them every time. Breaks are good for minds, and to change up the routine. Sometimes the routine even gets stale, and by skipping something, or doing something differently, we can freshen things up. This keeps us in charge of our rules instead of them being in charge of us. That, I believe, keeps us happier, and that’s what we want to make sure of, that we are happy, while we are going through the motions.