Picking What We Want to Do, Part 1 (TMF:2314)

Peace to Live By: Picking What We Want to Do, Part 1 (TMF:2314) - Daniel Litton
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       Recently I was watching a sermon online from a famous Christian Orthodox minister. He was saying that what we value in our lives is a matter of the heart. A man can work two jobs, but for two different reasons. If one works the two jobs in order to provide for his family, his wife and children, that is all well and good. Nonetheless, if the man works two jobs in order to make more money so that he can buy something he desires, while neglecting his wife and kids, well, obviously that’s bad. The important thing is that we decide what we value. That we don’t put our foot through one door while keeping the other foot outside of it. As I have said before in the past, God never told us we had to get married. God never told us we have to have children. Both those things are good, but we don’t have to do them. We can be solely a career oriented person if we want to, but we have to make that choice beforehand. We cannot make that choice after we are married and have three kids. At that point, in this latter case, you cannot decide you are going to focus so much on your career that you neglect your family.