Keeping Track of Past Victories, Part 1 (TMF:2335)

Peace to Live By: Keeping Track of Past Victories, Part 1 (TMF:2335) - Daniel Litton
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       One thing I have taught myself to do over the last several years is to keep track of victories that occur in my life. These can be prayers that God has answered, good things that have happened to me, or bad situations that have turned out for the good. Whatever you list, by doing this practice you keep those things alive. Our minds have a tendency to forget the good things but always seem to easily remember the bad things. I don’t know how many times I have gone back and looked through my list and found something good that has happened that I totally had forgotten about. Unfortunately, our minds just have a tendency for easily forgetting the good things. It is also fun to see how what we cover in our daily devotional time can manifest itself in our lives. Say we practice some new technique, or new way of thinking, that we then wait to see how it affects our lives. We may find a week or two into it that whatever it is has worked out for us. He have gained a positive advantage in our lives. So, we make note of that and then that will always be there for us to see in the future.