Not Looking for the Answers Now, Part 2 (TMF:2313)

Peace to Live By: Not Looking for the Answers Now, Part 2 (TMF:2313) - Daniel Litton
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       Questions are inevitable. The temptation then invariably comes to immediately try to solve those questions. We think, “I am smart. I can figure this out.” There are some things in life, though, where it is only through waiting and perhaps even experience that we can truly understand something. Not everything can be comprehended from a textbook. Nor is everything easy to solve. Nor are our minds capable of figuring it all out now. My experience has been that the answers come later in time. Sometimes a couple months later, but sometimes a couple years later. And still yet, there are questions that remain unanswered. Perhaps not every question will be answered in this life. And that’s okay though. We need to be able to accept that not all questions can in fact be given answers, at least, in the here and now. The important thing is that we stay close to God, and that we do not place blame on God when we don’t have the answer, no matter what the situation or question may be. If we keep God in the forefront of our lives, with nothing as important as him, then truly not having the answers starts not to matter much anymore.