Loving Our Neighbors Instead of Ourselves, Part 3 (TMF:2245)

Peace to Live By: Loving Our Neighbors Instead of Ourselves, Part 3 (TMF:2245) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       We give love toward our neighbors from the love we already have for ourselves. We know how to love ourselves; we know how we would want to be treated in a given circumstance. So, in following that, we do that for our neighbor. Wasn’t it Fred Rogers that had this imbedded into his wonderful TV show, ‘Mister Roger’s Neighborhood’? It was my favorite TV show as a child. I use to watch it all the time. What did Mr. Rogers always ask? “Won’t you be my neighbor?” is what he would ask the millions of children watching his show. Gee, I wonder where he got that from? We know where he got it from. We do this for others around us because we understand that we ourselves want to be included. So, if we love others, we seek to include them because we know it is what we would want. And if Mr. Rogers hadn’t taken care of himself first, taken care of his house, adorned himself with those classic sweaters, then he wouldn’t of felt like inviting anyone in, right?