Marriage Advice to Singles #3: Using Freedom (TMF:954)

Peace to Live By: Marriage Advice to Singles #3: Using Freedom (TMF:954) - Daniel Litton
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       Remember also, number three, that God has given us freedom, as Christians, in this area of selecting our mates. In 1 Corinthians 7:39, God told widowed women that they were “free” to be married to whomever they wished, with the only stipulation that the person was a Christian, a believer. And so this applies to all of us as pertains to our freedom in Christ. If there is someone you have become friends with in your life who is of the opposite sex and he or she is a Christian, that doesn’t necessarily mean God is wanting you to marry that person. Often times it doesn’t mean that. Paul told Timothy to “treat younger women as sisters” (1 Timothy 5:2, ESV). We as Christian guys do have sisters in the body of Christ, and you Christian girls have guys who are your brothers. In other words, not every girl is a potential prospect for marriage, and vice versa for girls. Some people freak out and think that because they find themselves next to someone, that that is who God is telling them to marry. When God does lead you to the right person, that person will align with your heart’s desire.