Responsibility for Our Characters, Part 2 (TMF:2304)

Peace to Live By: Responsibility for Our Characters, Part 2 (TMF:2304) - Daniel Litton
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       We are all responsible for our own characters. That’s the simple truth. Yet, neither you nor I have lived up to this ideal. We’ve all failed in both small and large ways. In the same breath, I’m not saying that every time something goes wrong that we are at fault. A lot of times we are, and sometimes it is just a matter that we could have done something a bit better, with a more effective approach. Nonetheless, we see it all around us in our world. We see people not wanting to take responsibility for what has happened and try to blame someone bigger. Organizations are blamed. News is blamed. Responsibility is thrown back to people who are no longer living. Indeed it seems that every facet of anything that is, has faced taking on the burden of undue responsibility. So, how do we solve the problem? Well, it’s true that none of us can get people to take responsibility. That’s a personal decision that everyone has to make within themselves. However, we do have great control over ourselves, or at least, we should have. In that case, we can then take responsibility for our own behavior when we need to.