We are to Follow the Example of Our Leaders (TMF:923)

Peace to Live By: We are to Follow the Example of Our Leaders (TMF:923) - Daniel Litton
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       Verses 5b & 6a: “You know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake. And you became imitators of us and of the Lord” (ESV). Paul and his companions modeled good behavior to the new disciples. They did this to set a good example, which also gave proof of the power behind the Gospel. And thusly the new believers followed their lead. And I suppose this is hard for many people to hear today in America, for many don’t want to follow anyone’s lead, but want to do things their own way. But notice how Paul said to follow their example, as their example modeled that of the Lord Jesus Christ. And that becomes, then, the mark of any of us who lead others or who preach the Word of God. We are examples in thought, word, and deed to others—both to believers and to unbelievers. But really, that makes good sense because any of us who have risen to the status of leader have likely done so because we have in fact been working hard—working toward become more like Christ in our own lives. If we hadn’t of been, we wouldn’t be a leader in the first place.